Magento is considered to be one of the best ecommerce platforms to manage and operate an online business successfully. Though there are number of magento developers are available but selection of skilled, experienced and professional magento developers is must.
Some of the below listed things will help you to find a magento developer whom you can entrust your development requirements:
You can always find and judge the best magento developers from online source. Make a Google search by any of relevant keywords which will fetch you with number of magento developers in terms of listed companies. Make sure to select few good looking companies and start looking to their portfolio. Such things will help you to better judge the core capabilities of the developer and you can even expect same level of commitment for your project. Once you have a filtered list of developers, all you can do is start looking for some of reviews and accordingly try to approach developers, if possible arrange a personal meeting with them and try to gather some of information about their past records. Let them know what you want in terms of development process and what you want to accomplish from the same, here you can get an idea about the possible strengths and weaknesses of those developers.
Once you have come across with 3 to 4 magento developers, now all you can do is ask for references, this will help you to discover the most trustworthy among all; even you can go a step ahead to compare their charges with level of service provided by them. Here never try to compensate quality for low cost as this will lead you to increased maintenance cost.
If you have low budget for your entire development process, all you can do is you can very well go for freelance developers. There are number of such developers who provide you with quality development services at affordable rates as they don’t have to follow any strict management policies or even not have to incur additional infrastructure cost. Posting in Job listing websites such as Freelancer, Odesk can even help you to get things done within budget and that too without compromising the quality.
Thanks for this nice article! Magento webshop
Posted by: Magento | 04/16/2012 at 02:03 AM